Incidence Map Project ©

Welcome to the Incidence Map Project © a series of interactive maps, highlighting some of the detrimental affects of non-white immigration, we hope that the information presented here, opens your mind as to the damaging affects such a policy has had and continues to have upon the indigenous people of this country. This map is merely the tip of the iceberg not covering, the multiple acts of violence, or the unreported offences that occur on a daily basis against native peoples, many would argue that murder occurs within all communities as does all crime, however, the crimes covered by this map may never have occurred, were it not for really quite deplorable government policy. 

Government policy since the early 1950’s has meant almost unfettered immigration, immigration of wholly dissimilar peoples detrimental to the social makeup of this country, such a policy has led to a quite appalling breakdown in social cohesiveness, until we have reached the point we are at today,enforcement via draconian legislation, wholly against the wishes of the majority. One wonders just why any government would intentionally swamp its native peoples, knowing full well the disadvantages it would bring, the future it heralds and the myriad clashes inevitable under such circumstance. 

Coupled with such a disastrous policy of course, has been the rise of leftist thought especially in areas such as academia, the arts and media, all of which help to stoke up already simmering tension. Leftist ideology has no care for tradition, no care for native peoples of any description; it simply strives to push through its agenda in any circumstance. Part of that agenda involves the trashing of native culture and tradition, in fact anything that holds a people together; it is not our role here today to go into such issues. They being covered upon other sites, weblogs and in fact upon most sites connected with UOIN, today we concern ourselves with the basics. 

Leftist education holds that the west has committed great evil, it endeavours to paint white western civilisation as wholly evil without going into honest detail, a consequence of this is non-white hatred for the white man or at least his civilisation, great anger is felt towards white society, white civilisation and institutions, anger that has in fact been augmented by leftist ideologues. For this reason some non-whites habitably attack whites with no conscience, it is no small wonder that incidences of rape and murder are committed more against the white community than the reverse. 

There are no exact figures concerning race in relation to crime statistics however, occasions where such data has been available have indicated just such a proposition, the incidence maps in themselves can hardly be considered comprehensive data, they merely serve as an pointer as to the problem, a highlighter if you will. Much of the information is already in the public domain all we have done is made it visual, given a face to the victims and enabled the general public to see for themselves the terrible toll governmental policy has had. 

At all times we would ask viewers to note that most non-white immigrants are law-abiding arriving here only for a better life, it is not our intention to stir up hatred, as a group of nationalists we are of course concerned by immigration, however, any anger felt must we stress be directed at the government during elections. We would ask the concerned, the angry and the compassionate to vote for anti-immigration parties or nativist parties at such times, there is absolutely no point in casting a vote for any of the recognised “big three” parties and then hoping for change, all such parties merely adhering to detrimental policies. 

The Incidence Map Project ©is not as previously mentioned comprehensive, nor is it able to be, it is simply a collection of all freely available data, there may be situations where information is wrong or data or detail unavailable, in this instance we ask that an e-mail be sent to us to rectify and or change information, we cannot be held responsible for mistakes, inaccurate information or similar. The Incidence Map Project © is an ongoing project and many victims have not as yet been added this will hopefully be rectified over time. Thank you, God bless the victims families and let us hope government policy changes, so that we have no more victims.

Posted byDVNFadmin at 12:13  


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